Fun no-equipment outdoor games for kidsDay Camp at Home Week 8: Where the Wild Things Are
Whether you’re looking for games for a big group or just a few, this list is a great go-to guide for fun, active, no-equipment outdoor games!

Day Camp at Home Week 6: Under the Sea
This week in our at-home summer camp, try these games, activities, and books that will take your child on a deep-sea adventure (ocean not required!).

Day Camp at Home Week 5: Going Green
In our Day Camp at Home, this week we’re sharing tons of environmentally friendly and Earth-aware games and activity ideas.

30 healthy snacks for active kids
This week at Active for Life’s Day Camp at Home, we share nature-inspired games, activities, and crafts to keep your child playing, exploring, and happy.

Day Camp at Home Week 2: Music Makers
Welcome to week 2 of Active for Life’s summer day camp! This week, you’ll find many music-themed games and activities for your kids.

Day Camp at Home Week 1: Animal Planet
First up in our Day Camp at Home series are animal-themed games and activities that’ll keep you and your kids active, engaged, and having fun.

7 summer camp games to play while physical distancing
Our resources team has created this new collection of summer group activities and games that support both physical literacy and physical distancing.

Keep kids busy with Active for Life’s summer “day camp” — at home
Through the summer, Active for Life is publishing free weekly “Day Camp At Home” activity plans for busy families like yours.

Kids missing out on summer camp fun because they lack basic skills
Children are losing physical and social competencies

Share our physical literacy lesson plans with daycares and summer camps
Help your child’s teachers and activity leaders by giving them our easy-to-use lesson plans