No stroller potatoes! Why babies need active play every day
According to the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines, babies and toddlers should not be restrained in strollers or seats for more than an hour at a time.
How to give a baby massage
Even babies benefit from a rub down
Tummy time tips from Today’s Parent
Essential skills to reach, stretch, crawl, and roll
6 benefits of outdoor napping for babies
Better sleep and improved mental health cited among advantages
Babies who don’t develop proper motor skills may suffer academically down the road
The important relationship between movement and cognition
Hey, Ryan Gosling: 10 things to start you on the road to being a great dad
And, yes, it includes enjoying the scent of your baby’s head
How to give your baby an active start
New parents have lots to think about, and long-term physical development is critical
The 10 most important things I learned during my baby’s first year
Helpful ideas to make those first 12 months happy and healthy
New mom’s club: An introduction to physical literacy
The motor coordination skills that your child learns now will help her throughout her life
How to help your infant develop movement skills
Beyond sleeping, eating, and cognitive development, babies need to move, too
7 steps to get your infant ready for tummy time
Learn how to develop your infant’s ability to lie independently on their stomach