How incorporating physical literacy is helping kids have academic success
Movement augments learning by stimulating neural activity
Move to Learn boosts reading and physical literacy for preschoolers
Pilot program has been offered in four Southern Ontario communities
Math plus movement equals better learning for kids
Mixing exercise with math and science nets better grades
These kids get to ski to school, and at recess and lunch, too
The benefits of riding a chairlift to school everyday
If getting kids physically active increases their academic scores, why is it not being done in every Canadian school?
Only good can come of regular, daily physical activity in schools
Physically active kids are better at science
UK study finds connection between good grades and physical activity
Why Finland’s children are so successful
A model for achievement we should all look at
Cutting PE from schools hurts kids in more ways than one
A lack of physical activity is detrimental to both your child’s health and academic performance
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