Fundamental Movement Skills videos
To understand the movement mechanics of fundamental movement skills (FMS), it is helpful to see them performed. The links below take you to excellent short videos at KIDDO that show children performing each skill at different stages of development. As you watch these videos, remember that skill learning depends on the child’s physical readiness. Children … Continued

Is competition in sports healthy for kids?
Many parents have asked me if I think competition is healthy for kids. Is it healthy? Is it “toxic”? Does it diminish self-confidence?

Are youth sports too serious?
As parents and coaches, we must make youth sports fun for kids. Tim Hortons’ latest advertisement highlights this.

Podcast: What to do about abuse in sport
Marie-Claude Asselin is CEO of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, and worked to launch the Canadian Sport Helpline.

Film review: “The Cost of Winning” addresses problems in youth sport culture
From early specialization to costly programs to hyper-competition, this documentary tells its story through the voices of people directly involved: parents, coaches, and teachers.

Active for Life podcast: How to support your child athlete
In this episode, Active for Life editor-in-chief Richard Monette talks with John O’Sullivan, founder of Changing the Game Project.

How parents can support the responsible coaching movement
Parents can insist sports clubs train and screen all coaches

Roundup of Canadian physical literacy programs in schools – Part 2
See what programs schools across Canada have to offer

How to help your daughter develop a love of being physically active
Parent role models have a big impact on their daughters

Active for Life podcast: Camilla Knight on parents in sport
The expert on youth sport talks about the important role of parents

5 tips for coaching multi-sport kids
Multi-sport helps kids develop multiple skills

Sign up for Active for Life’s newsletter for educators, coaches, and other professionals working with kids
AfL Pro gets sent out twice a year

Making multi-sport a reality requires us to move from words to action
It’s time to stop debating who is responsible for making multi-sport programming a priority for kids under the age of 8. Here’s a list of actions we can all take.

Offside parents: How one referee is calling out bad sideline behaviour
Referee shows the ugly side of parents and youth sports

Quality sport: The art of creating good activity programs for kids
Quality sport builds more than physical literacy

Canadian national sport organizations must “immediately disclose” allegations of abuse or harassment
NSOs federal funding at risk if they don’t comply

8 tips to keep you and your family moving and feeling good
A moving family is a healthy family

The multi-sport approach: Download and share our posters!
Learn how different sports help each other

Send an email to the Minister of Sport to keep athletes safe from abuse
Let’s make athlete safety a priority

Yes, we know. Multi-sport is a desirable concept, just not a reality… yet
How to make multi-sport the new normal

New safeguards for young athletes proposed
4 Canadian women speak out about abuse

Creating positive sport experiences for kids with hidden disabilities
5 strategies to enhance sport participation

Programs across Canada to put a spring into your March break
We’ve got you covered from coast to coast

Emotional Olympic commercial tackles bias in sport
If the world could see what a mom sees in her child