Soccer is the largest sport in Canada with roughly 500,000 kids ages 4-12 playing the game. With all of those soccer balls being kicked, physical literacy has to figure big in the development of our players.

Active for Life has information, advice, and resources for parents who want to raise successful young soccer players with a good foundation in physical literacy. Check out these articles:

English soccer goes kid-friendly

Recent changes in Canadian youth sports that promote children’s physical literacy are starting to happen in other countries. The motherland of soccer, England, is making sweeping changes to kids’ “football”. The English Football Association (FA, for short) is officially backing a switch to small-sided mini games for kids, with an emphasis on developing skills and … Continued

Why isn’t there a soccer league for my 4-year-old?

Toddlers and preschoolers need to learn fundamental movements skills before they’re ready to learn the more complicated skills required in structure activities and sports. The best way to help your children learn fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching is to give them lots of opportunity for unstructured play in environments that … Continued

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