Staying active on the water in CBRM

Staying active on the water in CBRM

Connecting residents with nature CBRM Recreation is committed to connecting residents to nature. Being a community surrounded by water, we think it’s important to provide recreational opportunities that take advantage of our natural resources. One program we’ve introduced is standup paddleboarding, also known as SUP. This is an excellent activity that can become a lifelong passion. The … Continued

How to throw an active birthday beach party

How to throw an active birthday beach party

Earlier this year, my wife and I wanted to plan an outdoor birthday party for our four-year-old. We decided to organize it at our local beach, Petrie Island, in Ottawa. We contacted Friends of Petrie Island, an organization responsible for educating the public about the importance of nature, preservation, and ecology. It also helps organize … Continued

Six affordable summer fun activity ideas

Six affordable summer fun activity ideas

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and summer is just around the corner. As a parent, you may be feeling “end-of-year stress,” especially when you contemplate the cost of summer camps, family vacations, and other expensive summer activities. To help you keep your budget in check, we asked our AFL role models for ideas for how to spend … Continued

Try these sprinkler games for some cool summer fun

Try these sprinkler games for some cool summer fun

It’s summer! If you’re looking for the perfect ingredients for backyard fun, add a pinch of friends and family, a dash of laughter, a smidge of silly, a dab of imagination, and a sprinkle of … sprinklers! Sun and waterplay go together like lemonade and ice cubes. When the temperatures go up, kids love to … Continued

Our top sun safety tips for active families

Our top sun safety tips for active families

Here are some sun safety tips to remember: Pay attention to the UV index. Sun protection is necessary when the UV Index is 3 or higher, and even when it’s cloudy. When playing outdoors, pick a place with shaded areas or a cooling center nearby. If you can’t find a shady spot, use a sun … Continued

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