LEAP BC’s Hop family resource

LEAP BC’s Hop family resource

The HopTM Family Resource
encourages physical movement, verbal activities, early literacy, and healthy eating. The resource helps children (3–5 years) learn through active play. It offers 40 activities that address physical activity, literacy, and healthy eating, as well as a number of interactive “Let’s make” exercises to further enhance development.

Each activity outlines how it benefits the child. The directions include necessary equipment, location, safety tips, and notes on additional resources – all in an easy-to-follow format.

The physical activity section promotes active, vigorous play that enhances movement skills, supports learning and social development, and allows for creativity and self-expression. The literacy section supports activity with communication to enhance vocabulary, counting, and other creative endeavours. The healthy eating section introduces the child to a range of healthy food and food-related activities.

LEAP BCTM was created by 2010 Legacies Now, with support from the Province of B.C., to help foster healthy child development.

2 responses to “LEAP BC’s Hop family resource

  1. Hello! This is William from The Nanaimo Men’s Resource Centre. I was hoping you could send some booklets and pamphlets our way to provide in our office? He have a few booklets in our office left, but it would help to restock and maybe get some current up to date items you have any over there. We would love to support your movement.

    Let me know if you can help.

    Thank you for your time!

    1. You bet William! We’ll have our partnership coordinator get in touch with you via email.

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