This ad campaign seeks to empower women in soccer

This ad campaign seeks to empower women in soccer

We don’t sell commercial ad space on Active for Life, but once in a while, we recognize advertising campaigns that promote important messages. This is the case with the Visa ad campaign developed for the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, which started earlier this month. The campaign video shows a series of female soccer players … Continued

Jr. NBA introduces kids to basketball

Jr. NBA introduces kids to basketball

With the Toronto Raptors’ deep run in the NBA playoffs, and now a franchise-first NBA championship, everyone in Canada is talking basketball. And as often happens when the “home” team finds success, kids everywhere want to start playing and emulating their heroes. Jr. NBA Youth Basketball is now making it easier than ever to get … Continued

World Health Organization releases new guidelines on screen time and sedentary behaviour for children under five

World Health Organization releases new guidelines on screen time and sedentary behaviour for children under five

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released new guidelines on “physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under five years of age.” Specifically, it provides recommendations for sedentary screen time, suggesting no more than one hour per day for children ages two to four. The guidelines were developed by a WHO panel of experts … Continued

New abuse-reporting hotline promotes safe sport

New abuse-reporting hotline promotes safe sport

The Canadian Sport Helpline is a new initiative to ensure that all Canadians participating in sport can do so in a safe and welcoming environment, regardless of the role they play. Safe sport is everyone’s responsibility, and the national toll-free helpline offers assistance to victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse, discrimination, and bullying. In its … Continued

Everything gets Better with ParticipACTION

Everything gets Better with ParticipACTION

It’s challenging for families to find time to be active together, so Active for Life and ParticipACTION are making it easier. Families will find Recipe for an Active Year an excellent source of ideas for family activities throughout the four seasons. Most people think physical activity is just about losing weight and looking good at the … Continued

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