Boy drinking three pops

Canadian kids drink too much pop

The drink most often associated with childhood is having devastating effects on Canadian children. Pop, along with lemonade and sugary fruit punch beverages, can double the risk of children becoming overweight and obese.

A recent Canadian Community Health Survey showed children’s pop consumption continues to rise. Boys aged six to 11 consumed the most, drinking on average 553 grams of soft drink per day, nearly two cans.

“Children form habits about what they eat and drink early in life and often continue those patterns into adulthood,” said the survey’s authors.

Consumption levels haven’t yet reached those measured in the United States, but Canadians seem to be heading in same direction.

Canadian boys who drink pop and other sweetened beverages are at higher risk for obesity, and sugary drink consumption is continuing to rise, a new study suggests. Full story

What’s your child’s favourite healthy beverage?

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